I Love You Forever, It’s Over


‘Ten years after the break-up, is there ever a chance to try again?’.


A wickedly funny romantic comedy.
With Jason Isaacs and Cristian Solimeno.

10 years after their bitter break-up, failed film-maker Daniel collects his long-abandoned possessions from Annie, the great love of his life, now an internationally successful Hollywood star. Both spoiling for a fight, there can be no outright winner in this unresolved battle of the Exes – not when they’re both secretly still in love with each other.

Can true love live again, long after the flame has died?

In these bleak times, we desperately need to be reminded that it is love that makes the world turn. Love that exerts a force more powerful on the human psyche than anything else. Love that creates the magic, beauty and laughter that make life purposeful and fulfilled. We yearn for it. To lose it is to lose our way.

I LOVE YOU FOREVER, IT’S OVER invites audiences to share that universal human connection with true, yet elusive, love.



Ten years after their relationship ended, Daniel, a failed filmmaker moonlighting as a painter-decorator to pay the bills, is contacted by ex-love Annie to collect his belongings, which she has carefully packed and stored for a decade. Annie, now a hugely successful actress living with Zack, an A-list Hollywood director, seemingly seeks ‘closure’ by finally disposing of Daniel’s boxes of stuff.

Daniel nervously arrives at Annie’s luxurious London house, a Chaplin-esque figure in paint-splattered overalls, ill-suited to the opulent surroundings. Initially civil, their reunion quickly becomes barbed and bitter as they re-open unhealed wounds.

A-lister Zack successfully defuses the escalating tension. Zack suggests he proceed ahead to the prearranged glittering industry event he and Annie were due to attend. Annie can then join him there later, once she and Daniel have resolved their grievances – and addressed the issue of Daniel’s shabby cardboard boxes cluttering up the immaculate designer lounge.

Left alone, Annie and Daniel continue to rip chunks out of each other, apportioning blame for the failings and betrayals of their lost relationship. Exhausted from the relentless exhumation of their damaged past, they evolve from initial hostility to the gentle rekindling of their not fully extinguished love. Slowly, they recall the laughter, passion and tenderness they once shared. Intimacy intensifies and a symbolic power cut forces them to the roof terrace, an oasis of tranquility where magically by moonlight their cryogenically frozen love might stand a chance of resuscitation.

For Daniel and Annie, the prospect of a new future, another chance at love, is tantalizingly close – if they want to seize it. Will they or won’t they?

I LOVE YOU FOREVER IT’S OVER is a chaotically beautiful love story. An irreverent, blazingly funny love letter to all those who have ever loved… and lost… and perhaps won again.


Jason Isaacs (Harry Potter, Black Hawk Down, Mass), Cristian Solimeno (The English, Impact Earth)


Suzanne Reid, Joy Harrison, Keith Boak


Keith Boak


Cristian Solimeno


100 minutes


London, UK




Indie Romantic Comedy


Contemporary 2022


February 16, 2023